My Unique Approach to Health and Life Coaching

1 to 1 Coaching

Our one-to-one coaching is crafted for women seeking a personalized and focused approach to address their unique hair and scalp concerns. Our experienced health coaches and trichologists work closely with you, conducting in-depth assessments and consultations. Through integrative health, functional nutrition, and trichology approaches, we tailor a customized plan to address the root causes of hair loss, scalp disorders, and aging issues. Experience dedicated support, personalized guidance, and strategies to reclaim the beauty of health and vitality one-on-one.

60 mins |  $90

Online Courses

Embark on a self-paced learning journey with our online courses designed to empower women with knowledge and actionable steps to address common root causes of hair, scalp, and aging issues. Learn at your own pace, gaining valuable insights and skills to address specific concerns. Our online courses provide the flexibility to fit learning into your schedule, offering a comprehensive resource to revitalize your hair, scalp, and slow aging from the comfort of your own space.

Prices Vary

Group Coaching

Join a community of like-minded women on a shared journey to healthier hair and increased confidence through our group coaching sessions. Led by skilled health coaches, these sessions provide a supportive environment for sharing experiences and insights. Explore integrative health principles, nutritional strategies, and trichology insights together. Our group coaching is an affordable option without compromising on the quality of guidance. Reap the benefits of collective wisdom and guidance as you navigate the path to improved hair, scalp, and aging.

45 mins |  $55  

“It just made sense. Once the issues were identified, I saw changes in my hair.”

— Robyn E.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.